The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21368   Message #2063497
Posted By: lefthanded guitar
29-May-07 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Mississippi John Hurt
Subject: RE: Mississippi John Hurt
John Hurt is one of my favorites = Jerry garcia did a great rendition of his Louis Collins, but I have been performing songs of his from his double album for decades. i was too young to see him in person, but have loved his music for years it never goes out of style.

btw my personal favorite, Pallet, is a song I have played more than any other song I have played and sung since I first picked up a guitar in my teens. Every few years, a new verse seems to 'emerge' from somehwere, once it was from a mystery book, written in the Boston area and with a mention of Chris Smither in the forward; forgot the name of the book but not the verse.