The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82318   Message #2063554
Posted By: John Hardly
29-May-07 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Dinos in the bible? wtf....
Subject: RE: BS: No Dinos in the bible? wtf....
"Incest and rape as a form of moral guidance? What interesting interpretations you christians do have."

...and even more curious that you would reject Christianity on the basis that the Bible condemns incest and rape. Do you really mean to imply that you condone them?

"Abraham went around introducing his wife as his sister on a couple of occasions and then almost set fire to his son Isaac on God's command. Symbolic maybe, allegory possibly - clearly straightforward child abuse."

Is it lost on you that Abraham was condemned for his cowaradice in so introducing his wife as his sister? ...or that God also commanded Abraham not to follow through with the sacrifice of Isaac? The fire woulda come after Isaac was already offed, so I won't point out your slip there.

"The problem is that whatever you tell us there are plenty of people in the USA (not so many in Europe thank goodness) who have political power over people and who will tell you the Bible is the literal truth. "

oh please. such paranoia.

Of course, if they happen (through their immense power doncha know) to put the kabash on your rapin' and incestin' then I can see why you might get a bit a-skeered.

"Clearly they read a different Bible to me.

...or they actually read it, and therefore don't make such "slips" as the death by fire abuse of Isaac. But, yes, clearly they read a different Bible than you.