The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2063621
Posted By: Bobert
29-May-07 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Well, well, well.... And the beat goes on...

Personally, we had a major weather event a few days ago which blew the crud ouuta my modem so I ain't been 'round since...

Yes, let me reiterate what Janie said: "The root cause of poverty is a lack of resources"....

Yeah, this is what it comes down to...

I proposed a step-by-step plan for dealing with that problem...

Some would argue that the upper 1% shouldn't have to be part of the fix but seein' as that is where a major piece of the wealth lies, I don't agree...

I also don't agree that the IRS or the Justice Department is making much of an effort to catch the off-shore tax thieves, especially since most of it is perfectly, ahhh, friggin' legal???? What, can this be??? Well, yeah, it is... But you have to be super rich to afford the accountants and attorney's to pull it off but it collectively is in the hundreds of billions of taxable income that the rich are currently squirreling away from Uncle Sam...

The Washington Post recently did an article on this and it's big friggin' bucks... Enough to pay for No-Child-Left-Behind, child care subsidies and have more money in the kiitty for other programs...

This is theft that rich people have paid their corrupt governemnt to make law so that they can leagally steal.... We ain't talkin' the right winged "Wefare-Cadillac" here but real theft!!!!

But some here just think that that's okeeee-dokeee with them...

No, it is about resources... 100% about resources....

Problem is that, after the real "welfare state" (the rich), there ain't nuff left to do the country's business...
