The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21368   Message #2063768
Posted By: PoppaGator
30-May-07 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: Mississippi John Hurt
Subject: RE: Mississippi John Hurt
Khandu ~ very interesting!

I still wonder if there are even any still photos of a hatless MJH (my guess is that there may not be any), which makes the existence of a "bareheaded" film/video (let along a silent one) just that much more strange. I'm not sure I'd recognize John Hurt without the hat. Is he bald?

FWIW, I think that any "video" dating back to Mr. Hurt's lifetime would have to have been film (perhaps 8mm "home movie" quality) later converted to video.

If it's "instructional," I would hope that the camera focuses on the man's hands. Without sound, it's probably difficult to learn how to play the songs from it no matter how intelligent the camerawork might be.


Are you going to make it to the July 4 weekend festival this year? As noted above, I may well be unable to show up due to family and other issues/complications, but I am holding out hope that it might be possible. I know that, like me, you've wanted to go for the last few years but have not been able to do so yet. It'd be nice if we could both make it one of these years on the same year and meet up!

As the date approaches, and if it looks like I might be able to fit in the trip, I'll need to know where to book a room. I'll probably ask Frank Delaney for advice if it comes to that. Stay in touch...