The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58966   Message #2063834
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-May-07 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
Subject: RE: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
Well, Chris -
I have to say I prefer transliterations without all the diacritical marks. The diacriticals cause all sorts of trouble for our displays and search engines. A standard for Irish transliteration would be most helpful.

As for what I would accept for English-language lyrics, I'd say I'd accept anything that's authentic, and that means I've had to accept a variety of spellings for some words. Those who insist that there is only one spelling for this or that are very often not only pedantic - they're wrong.

-Joe Offer-