The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58966   Message #2064229
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-May-07 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
Subject: RE: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
I think you're distorting what I said, Chris, making issues out of non-issues. I also find it interesting that you chose to so vehemently attack a statement I made in jest five years ago, translating that into a sweeping statement that I have "have convinced [my]self that Irish is a nuisance and ought to be stamped out."

I certainly appreciate the posting of all non-commercial songs here, in any language - we really don't want to become a home for current teenage pop songs, but that's another matter. But Irish-language songs are especially important to a forum like this, and we certainly have no intention to discourage them.

We do discourage (and often remove) diacritical marks in thread titles and user names, because they interfere with search and indexing functions. Using them in the texts of messages doesn't really cause a problem, although they're hard to read with some browser settings. We figure that those who wish to read Irish lyrics, will take the time to learn how to set the character encoding on browsers.

As for accuracy in the spelling of lyrics, I would submit that much of this fussiness with diacritical marks and standardized spelling, is a product of the latter half of the twentieth century. In many ways, it is a welcome addition because it assists in correct pronunciation - but I certainly think that "Shule Aroon" is also a legitimate and authentic spelling in some contexts, and should not be a target for condemnation. And yes, I think it's safe to say that there are Irish-language enthusiasts who tend toward pedantry. Most are very helpful, but some are a pain in the ass.

About posting anonymously - Since we've had a problem with anonymous posting for years, We now review all messages that are posted without the poster's name in the "from" space - I think you posted three or four yesterday. It's nice that you want to help out, but please put "Chris" (or some consistent name) in the "from" box, and all will be hunky-dory. Our official policy is that we do not allow anonymous posting any more, although we do try to use some judgment in deleting anonymous posts in the music section. My previous post was meant to be a gentle reminder of that policy, nothing more.

-Joe Offer-