The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2064313
Posted By: TheSnail
30-May-07 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Diane Easby
the forward booking programmes are just so dull, dull, dull
A forward booking programme is a list of artists. You're saying it's the list that's dull not the artists? Sorry you've lost me.

Jon Boden? Lisa Knapp? Hazel&Emily Askew?
You'd scarcely need to research THEM on MySpace. Everybody in the world (OK I exaggerate but only a bit) knows who they are.

Not when we booked them. I should have made myself clear. Certainly for Jon Boden and probably for the others that should have read "given people their FIRST bookings".