The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101983   Message #2064380
Posted By: Dave Roberts
30-May-07 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: On stage patter
Subject: RE: On stage patter
Bob Webb and I did a gig for the Audlem Festival at the Shroppie Fly on Bank Holiday Monday and it went like a dream, largely because of the good humoured participation of a gang of lady morris dancers from Kirby, Liverpool. One of them insisted on playing the tambourine for us to brilliant effect and, when we got to 'Maggie May' and 'In my Liverpool Home' they went berserk - in fact, on 'Liverpool Home' they practically took over, causing much merriment.
They loved it, we loved it and the audience loved it.
The point being, of course, that it couldn't have been rehearsed or planned. Spontaneity is the thing, and this was certainly very spontaneous.
Having said that, I was not above borrowing a ploy used by our old friend Bernard Wrigley to break the ice at the start of the afternoon.
Before you start ask the audience to applaud and cheer wildly as if you've just performed something amazing.
Most audiences love it. But if you can't judge the mood of an audience you might just be in trouble...