The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2064547
Posted By: Bobert
30-May-07 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Okay, I will freely admit that I have "biases"... Biases, however, are much different than "predufices"... Biases come from a life time of learning...

Yes, if by our age we havent settled into a set of "biases" then there is seomething drastically wrong???

"Hmmmmmmmmm????", Dickey asks...

Yeah, bias mean that we think toward one value or another... That, in essense, is what wisdom is all about... No one should be ashamed of genuinely well feveloped biases... It is what we live be... Biases are another word for our belief systems... Our values... Our core...

Sure, I have biases but they are from a lifetime's experiences whci included 20 years "in the hole"... LOL... Working as a jail house teacher, a drug counselor and a social worker... Yeah, I hope I came out with a good number of biases or...

...what a waste...

But what one can never say about me is that I pre-judged an indivudual or a situation...

That dog just won't hunt...
