The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005   Message #2064641
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
31-May-07 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
A specimen of pondlife called 'M.Ted' who cannot even spell 'tyre' and is unaware even of which country I live in is called upon to provide 'evidence' for my 'biography', thinks it's ever so jolly to assist Mr Olesko in his gutter-press project over which it would be 'uncheerful' of me to sue.

These Murkans are labouring under the illusion that there is an 'alternate view' to be taken of CM's unspeakable treatment of artists and the way to deal with this is to shout down and threaten people in England who oppose Bulmer and all his works/non-works. Somebody named after a glasshouse who really ought not to throw stones is even content to import and sell product that further deprives these artists of a living.

There is no valid 'alternate view'.

You want to discuss the issue 'like human beings'? No, the sole issue is to force/persuade/compel CM to act like human beings, and even make some money for themselves. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge this is a mealy-mouthed, weasel-worded scumbag, and you have to wonder seriously just what they are in it for. Not the music or to salvage the damaged lives of the performers so affected, that's for sure.