The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101991   Message #2065373
Posted By: Nickhere
31-May-07 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chavez moves against second TV channel
Subject: RE: BS: Chavez moves against second TV chanel
"Occasionally, the troops of socialism must strike back, and break out of the agenda controlled by the same capitalist media like they did in North Korea, the workers paradise"

Lonesome EJ and Dickey believe Latin America would be much better off in grinding poverty under the heel of the US-backed boot. Then the multitudes of destitute peasants in the capitalist paradise could at least *see* the fruits of capitalism, as enjoyed by the rich elite who benefit most from the kind of right-wing governments favoured by the US and US corporations. I suppose they would at least die happy knowing they lived in grinding poverty in the shadow of such a beautiful flag as the stars and stripes rather than that rotten old rag they fly in North Korea ;-))