The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #206564
Posted By: annamill
04-Apr-00 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
Shambles, I think yo're great and I'm sooo glad you returned to Mudcat, but...

To me, what you're suggesting sounds awfully close to censorship.

Also, I enjoy laughing at the idiots. I think they're funny sometimes. Stupid, but funny. The problem is we take them too much to heart. Way too serious. Generally I don't respond unless something just as silly comes to my mind.

I think the flaming has gotten, at times, hurtful and those I ignore.

But,umm, I can't take a vow never to respond to GUEST:

My freedom seeking brain just won't allow me to.

I don't want to perpetuate anything and I'll try not to, but on my own. No vows.

Love, annap