The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12567   Message #2065669
Posted By: GUEST,Nicholas Waller
01-Jun-07 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Bingen on the Rhine (Caroline Norton)
Subject: RE: ADD: Bingen on the Rhine (recitation)
Just to be flippant for a moment - when my brother John and I used to drive from the UK go skiing in Austria 20-odd years ago, we would take various interesting routes back - via Jena and Leipzig, or Prague, or whatever.

One time we went along the Rhine and stopped near Rudesheim am Rhein and I took some video of the mighty river. John was consulting a map and said, audible on the video soundtrack "Over there is Bingen am Rhein. Hmm. It's Bingen on the Rhine, just Bingen on the Rhine, What a glorious feeling..."

I expect this is an ancient and feeble joke - in fact when I saw the thread title I assumed it was something along those lines - and if so, apologies, but that's how it happened in real life.