The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102082   Message #2065717
Posted By: Black Hawk
01-Jun-07 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Game as Ned Kelly
Subject: Lyr Add: GAME AS NED KELLY (from Slim Dusty)
as sung by Slim Dusty

There's a name that Australia will never forget
The best known Australian I'd sure like to bet
Though granted its owner dishonoured his name
Theres one thing for certain Ned Kelly was game

Game as Ned Kelly the people would say
Game as Ned Kelly they say it today

Oh great was their fame when the Kelly Boys rode
Those daring bush rangers with no fixed abode
They laughed at the law a big price on their head
The troopers could never catch up with wild Ned

They stuck up the stations but never were caught
But everyone reckoned that Ned was a sport
They captured a township those bush rangers bold
Then off to the ranges they rode with the gold

But at last at Glenrowan the Kelly gang fell
While fighting for life from the burning hotel
When out came Ned Kelly still blazing away
Till wounded by troopers he fell in the fray

And so to the gallows the outlaw was led
Now die like a Kelly his mother had said
A fate such is life the bold bush ranger sighed
The trap door sprang open and Ned Kelly died

And so young Australians take heed of this song
Be game as you like but don't do any wrong
Remember the warning that crime doesn't pay
Remember Ned Kelly and walk the straight way