The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #206577
Posted By: folk1234
04-Apr-00 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
I SOLEMNLY VOW to continue to be myself - a reasonable person of generally good judgement. One who has an opinion (not too often voiced) on many subjects, and real knowledge on just a few. The list of what I don't know is infinitely longer than the list of what I know. When I ask questions of the 'Cat, I seek answers. However, I gladly accept some diversion. When I contribute to another's thread, I 'believe' I have something to share. Sometimes, it's just humor. While wearing a 'Cat hat, I respect other's opinions, even those of the flamers. Some of what I've seen presents good points, although their delivery fails to meet my own standards of personal expression and conduct. My 'Cat hat differs not from my 'engineering', 'management', 'educator', 'friend', 'companion', 'loving husband', 'stern father' and 'folk singer' hats. Of course, there are many other 'hats' that I wear a week's experience. For 20 years, I wore an 'Officer of Marines' hat, which was still no different than my other hats.
In the words from 'La Cage au Folle', "I am what I am." Here in the 'Cat community, "We are what we are".