The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005   Message #2065802
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
01-Jun-07 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
How bizarre that the Teddy should take such a keen interest in my sleeping habits. Is this a form of cyberstalking and if so why, one has to ask. Last night, since you inquire, I slept from a bit after 0100 till 0700 which is more than adequate.

Is the US the chief repository of agents employed by musbiz shits? Undoubtedly, but it's a flourishing and expanding activity, particularly in Japan. However, to equate CM with, say, Sony is ludicrous in the extreme, though Teddy is patently an ursine creature of little brain. Vindictive too, to try and convey CM's treatment of artists and those who oppose it as a joke. I'd call it sick and distasteful.