The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101991   Message #2065803
Posted By: Dickey
01-Jun-07 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chavez moves against second TV channel
Subject: RE: BS: Chavez moves against second TV chanel
Day five of the protests:

Venezuelan Students Spreading News of Killing via Internet
    Malury de Morales is a Venezuelan living in Florida who has been following these events closely through a constant stream of e-mails and instant messages coming from students in Caracas.
    According to a student who e-mailed Ms. Morales and who claims to have been an eyewitness to this afternoon's murder, the security officers who killed Ms. Guevara went out of their way to do so. Her source says that Ms. Guevara was peacefully protesting, but the police broke ranks in order to go get her and shoot her on the street.
    The government of Chavez has issued a statement claiming that the student was killed while engaged in violent protest. Chavez has also broadcast statements that he will "defend Venezuela against violent people."

Venezuela College Students Demonstrate Peacefully
    According to e-mails Ms. Morales has received, the students' protests have involved such slogans as, "We want freedom of speech. We don't want a Communist regime. We don't want violence." All the protests are said by the students to have been peaceful.
    Pictures e-mailed out of Venezuela by the students show masses of young people peacefully marching the streets of Caracas.
    Prior to today's killing, the students have reported violence being used to try to intimidate them.
    One e-mail reports over 120 minors having been returned to their homes by police after having been beaten.

Chavez Stops Venezuelan Media, Takes Aim at College
    Media outside of Venezuela have reported that the student protests, which are now in their fifth day, having begun on May 27, were sparked by the closing of the most popular TV station in Venezuela, RCTV.
    But the students' opposition to the Chavez regime had another important trigger. On May 24, Chavez had announced he would end the autonomy of the Central University of Caracas.
    This university has existed since the beginning of Venezuela and is highly respected. The students of Venezuela are said by Ms. Morales' e-mail correspondents to have viewed the threat to Central University as symbolic of a general attack on Venezuelans' freedom.
    One e-mail concludes with these words: "This is a call for aid, a S. O. S. to all the planet: Do not be deceived by a tyrant, by someone who is unhinged and who promotes the destruction and the death of his people."
    With the close of RCTV, the only media outlet said to be still willing to report honestly on events in Venezuela is the very weak T.V. station Globovision. Recently members of the Chavez-dominated national assembly threatened to close it.
    The students' e-mails also report that Chavez has now threatened to shut down the Internet.

"This is a call for aid: Do not be deceived by a tyrant who promotes the destruction and the death of his people." â€"An e-mail from a Venezuelan student