The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005   Message #2065816
Posted By: The Sandman
01-Jun-07 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
YES,but this music business ethic has not always been present in the folk world ,do we all want to end up like the pop world at the mercy of people like Don Arden,it is up to everyone involved on the folk scene to behave in an ethical manner.
Unlike MrsThatcher,I do believe society exists,and if we want a better society,those people in the society have to treat each other in the way they would like to be treated themselves.
I am sure Dave Bulmer would not like to be treated the way he treated Topic and NicJones,if he is perplexed by peoples concern about Celtic Music,he needs to put himself in the shoes of all those people on the leader[and others] catalogue,wohse music has been kept out pf circulation.