The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #206612
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
04-Apr-00 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
Well, I'll do my best. Currently that means anyone who signs on as a guest and starts making personal comments ort writing in an innofensive way doesn't exist. And if in response to what some civilisd member or GUEST has to say, if it bvnecomnes appropriate to say something relating to one of the tiny band of non-existent regul I mentioned above, I'll do so in an oblique way that avoids any reference to them.

And I reckon any member has stepped over the line in a discussion, I might send them a personal message, but won't start or continue a slanging match on te open thread.

So help me Max!