The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005 Message #2066274
Posted By: Celtaddict
01-Jun-07 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
While I suppose it is thread drift, Gargoyle makes an important point: do support Max and Mudcat. He puts a lot into keeping this forum afloat! Max has a PayPal account and when I sent him a PM he sent me a land mail address for contributions, and that address is in the Quick Link "Contact Us." This would not be a bad idea to list both these contacts as a Quick Link: Support for Mudcat. (What do you think, Max or Clone?) Now, back to what I thought was the original idea of this thread. While we are not likely to change past history and obviously there are many here who know more than I about specifics of the Bulmer/CM business which seems to have been thoroughly addressed on more than one thread, I would be interested in hearing more about what may be a sound approach to collecting now. (I do harbor the notion that not all the old songs have yet been found.) Jim Carroll (guest, 1 June, 4 p.m.) described his view and practices. What about other collectors, sources, or those who are giving it thought? What do you think is an appropriate and moral approach to collecting traditional songs from living sources?