The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #206634
Posted By: GUEST
04-Apr-00 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
The Shambles has consistently demonstrated through his postings that anything he chooses to submit for consideration respectfully deserves same. This posting is no different. I know it was done with careful forethought to its consequences, and to the circumstances which spawned it.

It seems as though the anonymous intimidators have won a victory of sorts, for I perceive, in the hope that I am mistaken, the people to whom Mary in Bluegrass alludes have held themselves in check, a lamentable state of affairs. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree with their beliefs/philosophy/outlook on life/what-have-you, the exhuberance and joy with which those people expressed themselves on topics musically related or no, was a welcome respite from the harsh and abrasive gridlock of everyday living. Guests and passers-through looking for this or that appreciated it also, evident in their virtually unvaried responses to greeters: "Wow thanks..this is a friendly place..." etc. To borrow from the cafe analogy prevalent in the heading of this forum, it was comparable to going to a friendly and unhurried restaurant in a small town, where the waitress had a little time to take a load off and talk to you about anything on her mind, not just what was on the menu, although the menu was a sumptuous and varied read. Evidently some people prefer the institutional chrome and porcelain decor, antiseptic in nature and sterile in creativity, where hamburgers and nothing but hamburgers are served. I surmise it would ruin their day to enter McDonald's expecting the standard fare, instead hearing, "Well, you deserve a break today...just to mix things up a little we decided to serve shitake mushrooms, day lilies, and herbal tea." The pleasant surprise of the unexpected would make my day. Some people don't like surprises; others welcome diversity, change-ups, new experiences - and activel seek them out.

In the free spiritness of annap, the insight Neo brings to the human condition, the thoughtfulness and practical considerations Big Mick exudes, the responsibleness of Chet W., and the rebelliousness of harpgirl:

I reserve the right to be human, to occasionally make stupid mistakes, to apologize for them when I realize they are mistakes, while striving for perfection and realizing it will never be attained. Hopefully I won't hurt anyone else too badly in the process of conducting myself as an inherently flawed human being.