The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005   Message #2066579
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
02-Jun-07 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
Hi Jim.
As this thread is about ethics (in one way or another),can I throw my two pennorth in?
I know nothing about the Kennedy situation apart from rumours, so I'll not speak of that.
But, how about this for a solution to the CM problem.
It's quite obvious the Dave Bulmer couldn't possibly re-issue all 100 plus titles that he owns. Nobody could.
But there are two distinct strands to his collection.
Firstly the Trad (ie source) LPs. Normally a grey gatefold sleeve with extensive notes contained within.
Obviously not potentially huge sellers, but, look, John Howson at Veteran records in Stowmarket has been quietly producing a wonderful collection of cassettes, and now CDs of source singers/musicians for years, Also Tony Engle and Reg Hall at Topic produced Voice of the people a couple of years ago.
Now if Dave B would sell the dozen or so "Grey" albums (Call it the "Lost Leader Tradition" or somesuch) I'm sure that whoever bought it would do the correct deal with the families/estates involved and also cut Mr B in on the deal as a thanks for looking after the archive all these years.
He wouldn't get much obviously, we're not looking Robbie Williams figures here, but it must be better than the £zero that he's getting now!

As for the revival singers, its up to them to strike whatever deal they can. And the ones I've spoken to, would be only to happy to do so. Tony Rose would have loved to have done so, too late now sadly.

But the problem is that Dave won't talk.

And try as I can, I can't think of any good reason why.
If you are a business man, surely you want to sell something. Otherwise what is the point?

At the moment Dave Bulmer is paying good money for storage space to keep all his stuff, and getting little income?? Makes no sense to me.

Obviously deals would have to struck with people like the Percy Grainger estate for the Joseph Taylor recordings, but, if nobody does anything, then we live in this impasse, and a whole raft of recordings will be lost to the world.

Hope this helps.

All the best Ralph