The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005 Message #2066773
Posted By: johnadams
02-Jun-07 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
It may well be that Dave Bulmer couldn't re-issue that material (even if he wanted to, which seems unlikely) without negotiating a new license agreement with the copyright holders. (Malcolm)
...... and that goes for a large percentage of the traditional content of the Leader catalogue. The source tapes are owned by people like Roy Palmer and Janet Kerr, etc. That's why Rod Stradling was able to do a new album of George Dunn on the Musical Traditions label. Other re-issues could be done be more up to date research notes etc.
Probably the only stuff we're being denied is the revival albums which is a shame but not quite such a catastrophe as if the traditional stuff were locked up.
If there really IS a market for all the traditional stuff then we'll see it reflected in Rod Stradling's and John Howson's recent sales figures. Then they'll be confident about putting out more.
The morality of the finances is not really an issue - if the sales are there and the money earned then people like Rod and John will do the right thing, no question.