The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2157   Message #2067085
Posted By: Dickmac
03-Jun-07 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Cod Liver Oil (various) + Orange Juice
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cod Liver Oil
My wife and I still sing this song having learned it from Hamish's singing in the 60's and 70's.We heard Hamish singing it live a number of times and we have it on vinyl.
Like all songs of this nature there are various slight changes that still tell the same story.

In the "cludgy" verse we sing
"oot came her faither goin' tae the cludgy
walkin' along like a constipated budgie"

I don't know where that line came from but it wasn't Hamish.

At the end of each chorus we add "ah juice,juice"

The chords we use are simply Am and E7 repeated throughout and Em for the "juice juice" part.