The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102005 Message #2067190
Posted By: Jeri
03-Jun-07 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: morality of collecting
Subject: RE: morality of collecting
(Oddly enough, I wrote this right after Ralphie's post and before Ron's.)
Ralphie, based on magazines and websites I've read, I've noticed there's a BIG difference between the US and the UK when it comes to how much nastiness is acceptable. There are some around here who are able to hit threads often and at length, until the thread becomes focused on them. There are some here who enjoy fighting on a personal level enough so they don't care if they disdainfully ignore the topic or look like assholes to others. I suspect a thread where that happens just won't last long. Mudcat (IMO) was meant to be a place for people to freely discuss things, and NOT have to constantly worry about getting attacked. It may be what you're used to, but I don't believe it's right, and I don't believe it's what the majority here want.
Dick, as far as I can understand, wants to make the recordings available to those who want them. He's tried everything in his power to make sure the musicians aren't getting screwed. I believe he's written to most, and most (if not all) haven't replied.
On the other hand, the subject of Bulmer's release of recordings is such a sore subject with some that perhaps they don't want to deal with it at all, to receive a possibly small amount of royalties from one distributor. Additionally, they would then be in the position of taking money from someone who wasn't responsible for paying it to them and letting the truly responsible party get out of his obligation.
In my opinion, the primary reason for all of this is that many feel that these guys have screwed enough people for long enough that there is no possible way for them to 'make nice' and stay in the business. If they did everything right (like THAT might happen), a significant number of people would still not want to do business with them. I suspect a boycott wouldn't work though, as enough people don't know what's happened or don't care.
I don't know what the best solution to this might be, or even if there IS one. Of course, no one else does either, or these threads would be so ubiquitous.