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Thread #101991   Message #2067231
Posted By: Nickhere
03-Jun-07 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chavez moves against second TV channel
Subject: RE: BS: Chavez moves against second TV chanel
It might be worth pointing out that RTC hasn't been actually shut down in the literal sense - it is still operating through cable internet etc., so people can still access its news and opinions if they wish. It hasn't been granted a state broadcasting licences under terms allowed by law: its support of an anti-democratic coup (backed by elements within the US and Venezuela's rich fearful they might have to share the crumbs from their table) disqualifies it from state support. If a media outlet in the USA backed an assassination of President Bush, I doubt it would remain on air for long if the putsch didn't succeed.

The 'problem' for some people with Cuba and Venezuela is that they musn't be allowed to succeed, as they present alternatives to the 'American Dream' for all their shortcomings. If they succeed, people who have blind faith in the corporate capitalist model of the US might begin to question its wisdom. They might begin to wonder why a country that produces such fabulous wealth is unable to look after its poor, elderly and sick. Canada has a far lower GNP yet manages adeqaute medical cover for its citizens (Canadians, correct me if I'm wrong!)

They might also wonder why Cuba with its much-derided one-party system is yet able to provide medical care for all (OK, short on supplies - again, the embargo: any ship that docks at a Cuban port is banned from any US port for the following 6 months, making it very costly to ship / import / export to Cuba) while the USA with a whole TWO parties (that can find hundreds of millions of dollars to elect a president) is quite unable to do the same except for the rich or those with medical insurance.

So the best policy is to undermine these systems through coups, embargoes, covert subversion etc., etc., and then when they collapse (as most countries would under such determined and well-financed efforts to destroy them) the finger can be pointed at what rubbish models of society they are.

It reminds me of a Bob Dylan song "Only a Pawn in Their Game" when he sings something like 'and don't help the black guy because remember you're better of than him'

True, China is an autocratic country, and it's hardly neceesary to even say that North Korea is a failed state. But there is a happy balance, and I believe Cuba and more particularly Venezeula are getting there. There needs to be some balance between profit (a perfectly legitimate business pursuit) and people's welfare (the over riding factor).

BTW, it recently occured to me one reason why so many Chinese abroad are paranoid about being spied on by their goverment all the time. Well, so would you if everywhere you went - shops, petrol stations, streets etc., - you saw signs saying 'smile, you're on CCTV' and 'CCTV monitored area' and 'CCTV in operation'

In China, CCTV is the abbreviation for Central China TeleVision - the main State television channel!!! Weird, but true! Anyone with satellite access can watch it for themselves.