The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102165   Message #2067380
Posted By: Abby Sale
03-Jun-07 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: Origin: John Cherokee
Subject: John Cherokee
Now, here's another song everybody else knows but I've never heard before two days ago - "John Cherokee." A quick search shows a bit of threading but really, very little on the origins.

Happily, I came across a fine rendition to start with: Geoff Kaufman but haven't found any other clips on the web.

This is the not-Colcord version so I haven't found anything in any of my books on the background - not in "Seven" or Doerflinger or Shea - just a bit of nonsense on the web.

This version appears to be as "As sung by Captain Jesse Schaffer" but I don't find anything beyond that.

Well, if any seasongsavants aren't totally occupied with getting up to Mystic (sigh) I'd appreciate anything more on background or clips (even brief) of other takes on it.


Threads I've found:

(Non -DT verses)

(Runaway slave ballads)

DigTrad version BTW, note that the words in the Play are different from those in the text. It happens.