The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102153   Message #2067551
Posted By: Big Mick
03-Jun-07 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Kennedy Airport Story
Subject: RE: Kennedy Airport Story
Tarheel shows himself to be a bigotted, racist person. I have lost all respect for him. I don't want to hear his music, and from here out I won't read his posts.

In the event you aren't smart enough to figure out why, tarheel, let me tell you. Where do you come off describing all Moslems as "these people". Are you aware that the way we penetrate the terrorist groups is by using Arab American MOSLEM agents? Are you aware that the American Moslem community rejects these folks? How do you feel about the Iraqui Moslem citizens that are fighting the terrorists?

I wonder if you feel the same way about Christians who kill abortion clinic workers, and justify it in the name of God? Or are they somehow different? Should we paint all Christians based on those actions.

You are a bigotted, ignorant man and I wish you would leave The Mudcat.