The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102153   Message #2068101
Posted By: John Hardly
04-Jun-07 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Kennedy Airport Story
Subject: RE: Kennedy Airport Story
This is kinda weird.

I admit that I almost never read tarheel's posts. I don't read very many post here, period -- mostly people with whom I've been familiar with here for the past five years. Time is short and there's just too much shit here.

But to extrapolate all that has been said ABOUT tarheel on the basis of his one post here is, to my eye, WAY overblown. I didn't read into his post any more than condemnation of the islamic terrorists. And it's not extreme or outlandish to assert that those terrorists are taught their hatred from a very young age.

And the same who are outraged at tarheel seem not to be bothered one bit the almost daily hatred spewed here toward Christianity. In fact, some here are the same who do so. And now make accustions about tarheel's bigotry? I suppose I haven't read enough of tarheel's posts. But I sure have read an eyeful of anti-Christian rhetoric here.

I guess you're just trying to organize the who's who and the who's not welcome here. I suppose that needs to be done from time to time. Can't have too many dissenting voices, donchaknow.