The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102153   Message #2068155
Posted By: tarheel
04-Jun-07 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Kennedy Airport Story
Subject: RE: Kennedy Airport Story
SORRY,BIG MICK! i aint going no where...been here a long time and read mudcat every day and post my opinions whenever i like!
you are the typlical LIBERA that gets pissed off if some else disagrees with you!
well let me tell you LIBERAL JERK,i've never had to ask you for permission to be here nor to post anything here,and i sure as hell dont intend to start now!
so put that in your potheaded pipe and smoke it!
funny thing,i never see your liberal jerks complain about anyone else's post but mine and you cant wait toi call me RACIST,just because i disagree with you...
well,if that's what a RACIST is,than i guess im a RACIST...because i would never,ever agree with your LIBERAL SLIMEBALL opinions!