The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102153   Message #2068180
Posted By: John Hardly
04-Jun-07 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Kennedy Airport Story
Subject: RE: Kennedy Airport Story
I'm very tall. And when the sun is low on the horizon, I cast such a long (though narros -- I'm really skinny) shadow on the earth that the square footage of area where the sun doesn't shine is IMMENSE. So immense, in fact, that I don't actually ever have to "stick" it there. I can usually get things where the sun don't shine with a rather casual toss. Often I don't even have to look before I toss. But that shadow moves all the time. Nearly every time I move, so does that shadow. I think, though I'd have to complete the research necessary to state with scientific certainty, that there is a connection between when I move, and when the shadow that I cast moves. I'm pretty sure that the shadow knows, though. Wouldn't that make the ginchiest tag line for a radio program?! "The shadow knows...". Man, I can almost hear it. Deep, dramatic voice with ominous overtones..."the shadow knows...". Killer idea, man. Glad you thought of it.

Glad we had this discussion.