The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102153   Message #2068413
Posted By: Big Mick
04-Jun-07 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: Kennedy Airport Story
Subject: RE: Kennedy Airport Story
John, my comment isn't anti Christian. I am a Christian. My comment has to do with this bigot, and it definitely is rooted in his record. Perhaps you should do the research before condemning my comments. Time and again this so called "Christian" makes these types of comments. I have spent a lifetime battling small minded bigots, and I will certainly condemn them here as well.

And by the way, are you suggesting that 9/11 justifies spewing hatred of all Moslems? Those that are fighting the fundamentalist wacko Muslims will be interested in knowing this.

And one last post to Tarheel. You can call me a liberal jerk here all you want. But I have been wounded twice in service to this country, how about you? You don't bug me as much as you disgust me. You claim to love the country, but you espouse hatred of your fellow man, and espouse ideas that fly in the face of what it means to be American. It is my opinion that you are the furthest thing from a patriot. What you are is a lily white bigot. Your words have shown it time and again.
