The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1403   Message #206844
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce O.
04-Apr-00 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sandgate Lass on the Ropery Banks (Nunn)
Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
There are ABCs of 4 or 5 versions on the tune "Fy let us a' to the bridal/the blythsome bridal/ An the kirk woud let me be/I am a silly old man" on my website, "The Scotch Wedding" among the broadside ballad tunes and about 4 others in file S1. Somewhere around a dozen copies are stressed note and mode coded in file COMBCOD2.TXT, with yet other titles for the tune.