The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19851   Message #206865
Posted By: jofield
05-Apr-00 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: My baby got washed down the plughole
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My baby got washed down the plughole
My parents used to have a set of Morrie Amsterdam 78s (the same Morrie Amsterdam who later became Dick Van Dyke's sidekick on the TV show -- cosmic, huh?) which contained his version of this tune. He sang "your baby has gone down the drainpipe". There were several pretty funny tunes in the set: a mock-calypso called "True, Mon, True", a song full of puns ("They say that a pun is the lowest form of wit, and tho' they may be half-right..."), "Saloon", and a "meller-drama" in song. Anyone else ever hear this set?
