The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2068694
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jun-07 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Noy everyone is against rich people... The rich, for instance, think that since most of them are rich by either luck of the draw or having gotten there thru corrupt means, love themselves... The there are the groopies, like perhaps the folks herer in Mudville who come to their defense at every turn, who worship the rich and are perfectly willing to act as their shills...

One thing is fir sure is that many of them think that off-shore cheating, just because it is legal, though immoral as Hell, is fine behavior... I have a cousin who falls into this category... I hate it when he goes into his tax loopholes monologues... He's just too borish to understand that folks like me are working our brains out and don't have all that much dough left at the end of the onth to hire shadey accountants to find ways to aviod paying taxes... From what I have heard from my cousin, who makes half a million a year, he pays less taxes than I do with my meager earnings...

Yeah, not all rich folks are like him but when one drives around the prestigious neighborhoods in just about every city in the US and ses the opulant wealth that drips from the upper 1%, it's more than justa tad on "in-your-face peasants"...

I grew up in Northern Virginia with war heros, high level governemnt people, Congressmen and the like... It was the 50's... Everyone lived purdy much the same... Three bedroom houses and maybe two baths... Now it's 10 bedrooms and a dozen baths... This is over tthe top... It pisses off working and poor people to no end!!! It is criminal, it is borish, it is opulant and it is the reason why the upper 1% are coming onto the radar screan... They have no class and they have thimbed their noses at everyone else...

So, yeah, the upper 1% is a major part of the problem... Just as it is in Haiti...
