The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #2068784
Posted By: Teribus
05-Jun-07 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
"If the Kurds in "Kurdistan" insist on continuing to make separate oil deals without regard to the Baghdad government--which they are now doing--and especially if they start withholding oil revenue from the central government, what is to stop the Shiites in the south from pushing for a similar arrangement?

If that happens, so much for any chance for Iraq as a unified state.

And the US has precious little influence to prevent any of this." - From the "pen" of Ron (Look-It-Up) Davies.

Wait a minute Ron, I thought that the likes of yourself, dianavan, Foolestroupe, Akenaton, Stringsinger, et al (the anti-war, anti-Bush, trendy-left mob) were firmly of the opinion and belief that the US had stolen "Iraq's Oil". Now just because it suits your arguement, or some spurious and ill founded point you are trying to make, you say that - "the US has precious little influence to prevent any of this" when it comes to matters relating to Iraqi oil? Chose one horse or the other sunshine you can't ride both in this race.