The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #206913
Posted By: Escamillo
05-Apr-00 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
I have some 8 months here and received much more than contributed, and learnt to ignore those messages long ago, but if you allow me an opinion, I would suggest that instead of a vow for ignoring attacks and nasty posts, the Mudcat should show to all of us a simple set of rules (who are in effect in many sites), to be agreed upon when you enter, for example:
- Respect among members and guests of this site is of primary concern to all participants. - Personal attacks, insults and sarcasm against another member, are not allowed.
- All members do have a personal page, where you can address your complaints on their behavior, if you consider so, instead of making them public.
- If you want to remain anonimous, there's no way a person can send you a reply, so your complaints should be sent to Max, the creator and maintainer of the site.
- If you don't agree with the subjects or orientation of threads, please be nice and explain your concerns, or address Max.
To illustrate this, I have carefully read the post from Guest A.C. above, and I find that indeed he/she has a point. Perhaps we sometimes cross the line and insist too much with jokes and "relaxing" subjects, and this may have a negative effect to musicians coming for the first time, or residents who do not like those subjects. (However IMO there's a vast majority of musical subjects, and even the BS become musical very often, and the BS is clearly marked "BS"). BUT !.. but unfortunately he/she introduces many "YOU ARE..", "YOU STOP..", "YOU SHOULD..", "THERE'S NOW AN INTELLECTUAL VACUUM..", "YOU CLEAN UP..", "YOU ARE NOT..", "YOU ARE CROWDING..", "I KNOW THE WRONG..". That was too much for me, so.. IGNORED the whole speech, and his/her point.
Now let's suppose that a newcomer, serious musician, well intentioned, lands here and see A L O T OF NASTY ACCUSATIONS AND FASCIST ADMONITIONS ON WHAT SHOULD BE DISCUSSED, WHO SHOULD STAY AND WHO SHOULD LEAVE. (Because those threads ARE SEEN TOO).Do you think he/she will gratefully appreciate those reprimands and joyfully stay here ? I bet NO. If somebody stays here is because of the amazing knowledge and kindness of the enormous majority of Mudcat people.
Myself, will leave when more than 1% of the Mudcat people ask me to leave. Sorry for the extension of this BS
Un abrazo - Andrés
PS:Yes, I'm South American, and I know a lot about fascism.