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Thread #82028   Message #2069388
Posted By: Amos
05-Jun-07 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration

Bush's Fleurs Du Mal

Published: May 27, 2007 (New York Times, Excerpt:

For me, the saddest spot in Washington is the inverted V of the black granite Vietnam wall, jutting up with the names of young men dying in a war that their leaders already knew could not be won.

So many died because of ego and deceit -- because L.B.J. and Robert McNamara wanted to save face or because Henry Kissinger wanted to protect Nixon's re-election chances.

Now the Bush administration finds itself at that same hour of shame. It knows the surge is not working. Iraq is in a civil war, with a gruesome bonus of terrorists mixed in. April was the worst month this year for the American military, with 104 soldiers killed, and there have been about 90 killed thus far in May. The democracy's not jelling, as Iraqi lawmakers get ready to slouch off for a two-month vacation, leaving our kids to be blown up.

The top-flight counterinsurgency team that President Bush sent in after long years of pretending that we'd ''turned the corner'' doesn't believe there's a military solution. General Petraeus is reduced to writing an open letter to the Iraqi public, pleading with them to reject sectarianism and violence, even as the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr slinks back from four months in Iran, rallying his fans by crying: ''No, no, no to Satan! No, no, no to America! No, no, no to occupation! No, no, no to Israel!''

W. thinks he can save face if he keeps taunting Democrats as the party of surrender -- just as Nixon did -- and dumps the Frankenstate he's created on his successor.

''The enemy in Vietnam had neither the intent nor the capability to strike our homeland,'' he told Coast Guard Academy graduates. ''The enemy in Iraq does. Nine-eleven taught us that to protect the American people we must fight the terrorists where they live so that we don't have to fight them where we live.''

The president said an intelligence report (which turned out to be two years old) showed that Osama had been trying to send Qaeda terrorists in Iraq to attack America. So clearly, Osama is capable of multitasking: Order the killers in Iraq to go after American soldiers there and American civilians here. There AND here. Get it, W.?

The president is on a continuous loop of sophistry: We have to push on in Iraq because Al Qaeda is there, even though Al Qaeda is there because we pushed into Iraq. Our troops have to keep dying there because our troops have been dying there. We have to stay so the enemy doesn't know we're leaving. Osama hasn't been found because he's hiding.

The terrorists moved into George Bush's Iraq, not Saddam Hussein's. W.'s ranting about Al Qaeda there is like planting fleurs du mal and then complaining your garden is toxic. ...

(Original article by subscription).