The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102153   Message #2069595
Posted By: GUEST,282RA
05-Jun-07 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: Kennedy Airport Story
Subject: RE: Kennedy Airport Story
>>Our terrorists had no problem obtaining funding or explosive.
The money was gained locally from crime, mostly credit card fraud.
The explosives were made from locally available materials.
Is the only evidence the testimony of a dealer?<<

Yes. Otherwise, why would they need his testimony. He's about as questionable a witness as one could have. It's ridiculous and unbelievably hypocritical of the gov't to rely on such testimony when they waste $30 billion a year on their little war on drugs--which is apparently trumped by the one on terror--both of which have succeeded in only making each problem worse if not outright creating it.

>>I thought that there were recordings and evidence of extensive surveilance.<<

Sure. That's why they're relying on a convicted drug dealer as their informant--because they have so much evidence.

>>If you believe that there is no real terrorist threat anyore, you are ignoring the evidence of the attacks in Britain and Spain, and the higher profile of US as a target.<<

There never was a terrorist threat. There never has been and there never will be. All we have are a handful of incidents--overall inconsequential to our continued survival and comfort level. No threat to us at all. There is virtually no chance of a terrorist attack going down the US. Even the attacks on the WTC were actually intended to disrupt what one isolated group saw as the international Jewish financial empire. But there simply can't be extended guerilla warfare over here--terrorist groups don't have time, money or people for that. Look what fighting overseas is doing to us, for god's sake! It is simply NOT going to happen and it isn't going to happen in Europe either. An incident here and there but certainly nothing like what's going on in the Middle East. They are able to carry on with their war in the Middle East because it's in their backyard. Anyone who thinks that a million terrorists are going to fllod America and Europe and drown us in chaos and bloodshed is an amazing coward and an even more amazing idiot.