The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2069784
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
06-Jun-07 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
John Kelly's great isn't he WLD? Little known fact - He is the only person known to have danced Abram morris in cowboy boots - I am looking forward to seeing if he does the same this year:-)

The open mic night did not have ANY teen diary entries at all and was very enjoyable. Steve even did 'Lady Elenor' - Keeping in touch with his past I guess. Everything was ready prepared and the host even helped a performer tune his guitar in the 'wings' before going up to the mic. Good sized, light and airy public room with a bar. Needed the PA realy as many of the people were there to chat and meet as well as for the music. I did have reservations and when I saw two young 'hippies' (listen to me I used to be one!) I thought they were grounded, but they were just there to listen. All in all, well worth a visit and I will be back:-)

I don't realy travel far for my music - I just happen to live in Swinton every weekend and work in Newcastle Monday to Friday.

I think we are all pretty much agreed that the main thing is the continuation of the music. Sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I feel there is a LOT of dross - There isn't and I have never said so. There is a bit and unfortunatley they are the ones that most people remember. You know the old saying? If you are happy with something you will tell a friend. If not you will tell a dozen - I think it's true. All we are in disagreement about is how we handle it and I think we can all live with that - Whatever works for you. All I can add is that Swinton Folk Club is in it's 25th or so year so it obviously works for us!

