The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102196   Message #2070012
Posted By: concertina ceol
06-Jun-07 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Seriously demented box-squeezers
Subject: RE: Seriously demented box-squeezers
Anahata said:
John Kirkpatrick played Mattheson's Gigue (not Bach) on Jump at the Sun. It is indeed a 4 part fugue, played and recorded without the benefit of multi tracking. He re-recorded it on the Anglo International CD set released recently.

Yes I saw him play it last autumn down in Lewes - it was very impressive and the only thing I have ever seen John sit down to play - he made a remark about needing to go into a zen like state of semi-conciousness to be able to relax enough to play it - he wasn't joking either - mind bogling stuff.

The tune he wrote recently called "on the pulling down of parky's shower curtain rail" is equally impressive and modulates into and through about 5 keys in the B part before returning to the original tune in the A part. I suppose you might call it a "traditional" style tune but the effect of the modulation makes it seem quite "un folk". [It's on the Sultans of Squeeze CD]

I've also played Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring on the Anglo C/G - I just happen to have the sheet music and I like it :-)