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Thread #102225   Message #2070469
Posted By: Stephen R.
06-Jun-07 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: camp song about home in tyrol
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: camp song about home in tyrol
No, Joe, I don't think this is the song at all. Just about any song *can* have a yodel lay hee hee added to it, and for some it is requisite, but what I remember of the meaningful words doesn't correspond to anything else in this thread so far. Only Q's version of the "Mountain so high," of those quoted so far, even includes Tyrol; I submit that without that no one would have thought they were the same song. The one I.m looking for doesn't have the list of critters with corresponding sound effects.

Whether it has a German original I have no idea--that's the sort of thing I hope to learn here. As I remember it, the tune is sort of Phrygian. I haven't figured out how to access the posted tune to compare them.

If this forum can't come up with it, it is genuinely obscure!
