The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40854   Message #2070883
Posted By: oggie
07-Jun-07 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Little Sir Hugh (from Steeleye Span)
Subject: RE: Little Sir Hugh
The "Niche of Little Saint Hugh" is on the south side of the Angel Choir. There is a small plaque there which tries to put the events in context, this is a recent (last 10 years) alteration. For many years before that the plaque showed the Prayer of Little Saint Hugh which was (pardon me if it's not 100% correct)

From the sins of our fathers'
And their fathers,
And their fathers before them,
Good Lord deliver us.

The "Jews House" also still exists, it is on Steep Hill as you go down into the city.

On an historical note, the Jews came to England with William the Conquerer as the "King's Bankers", effectively they bankrolled the exercise and continued in that role in England. Being a Knight in the Feudal system was ruinously expensive and by the mid twelth century they held mortgages on many estates. It was thus financially expedient to the ruling classes for the Jews to go. In York, the Jews held in Clifford's Tower appealled to the local lord, Roger de Malbis for help, they held his mortgage, he did nothing and the killing ensued leaving him debt free.

All the best

Steve Ogden