The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99124   Message #2070890
Posted By: KB in Iowa
07-Jun-07 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
Subject: RE: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
I hate to agree with Dickey but (assuming the info in the article is substantially correct) he has a point. I am reminded of the glee with which many of us on the left jumped all over Rush when he was caught with some prescription drugs he shouldn't have had. Hypocrite was bandied about rather freely in that case. This reads to me like a "do as I say, not as I do" situation. I have never cared for that attitude.

The above opinions do not mean I think Chomsky is wrong. I generally think he is pretty well on the mark, but I would be more impressed if I thought he was following his own advice. I think I will check to see if I can find out whether or not the article is accurate.