The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101780   Message #2071156
Posted By: GUEST,Anti - Im
08-Jun-07 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush & Democrats to legalize criminals
Subject: RE: BS: Bush & Democrats to legalize criminals
Now THAT'S a high-powered rebuttal.

Canada has an ENORMOUS problem with illegals. The problem is you let anyone in, and they just pass through on their way to the U.S. Canadians are so stupid they don't even realize they're owned by the Queen of England. Crowns on everything, "dominion" stamped on everything, and you people don't realize you're the physical property of the English royal family. You're not even a country, you're a dominion. You are also muzzled by an occupational communo/fascist government that doesn't allow you to criticize anyone but Americans. You people never fought a war of independence, and now the royal family has arranged things so you go to prison if you criticize "protected groups." The one steam valve you're allowed is America, so you twits pass judgement on us constantly. But since you're the property of a bona fide nazi monarch, do you think anyone takes your judgements seriously? You are a pseudo-country, and you are the craven chattel of Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Canadians know this too, and deep down you people hate yourselves for never having thrown off the English yoke. Until you do, your opinions about REAL nations are crap.