The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102154   Message #2071160
Posted By: Richard Bridge
08-Jun-07 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Uk wireless broadband
Subject: RE: Tech: Uk wireless broadband
BT Internet operates a thing it calls "cleanfeed". If you try to connect to a site that is on a banned list, it won't connect you, and in stead of telling you so and why, it tells you "404 site not found".

It ALLEGES that it does not take your IP address when it does this, but it's very odd that it can publish statistics of how many attempted hits it has banned in a month if what it says is true. I therefore believe that if you try to access a banned site, "they" know who you are.

This is SUPPOSED to be about stopping access to kiddiporn, and if that's all it is, then all well and good - but the list of banned sites is provided by a government body. I bet it also covers alleged "terrorist" sites too, which has many grey edges as an area.

Now what if a totalitarian government (we'd never have one of those, would we?) decided to ban sites of other political parties or of organised dissent to its policies?

THat's why I abandoned BT. I now use F2s which is also cheaper and the helpdesk is here in the UK and the people are intelligent and helpful. It's not been so good since Pipex took it over, but it still beats BT hands down.

I migrated to it with my own modem-router (wired, I don't trust the security of wireless) but they will supply you with a modem if you want.