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Thread #102294   Message #2071658
Posted By: Joe Offer
08-Jun-07 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Parson and the Clerk (Phil Tanner)
Subject: ADD: The Parson and the Clerk
I can't seem to read RTim's apostrophes and quotation marks, no matter what character encoding I choose. Here's his post again, with changes to the punctuation. Seems to me there was another song like this posted some time ago - see the crosslinks above.

The Parson and the Clerk

A parson preached to his flock one day, on the sins of the human race.
And the clerk, 'Amen,' aloud did say, with the solemnest tone and face.
And this pious clerk, on the quiet, though would venture a bit of remark.
'Oh sin is sweet', said the parson. 'Then sin for me', said the clerk.
'Then sin for me', said the clerk.

'Oh never covet thy neighbour's goods,' the parson he said, 'nor his maid,'
'To rob a man of that what's his, why a fellow should be afraid.
Nor covet ye not no man of sin, I would venture this better to mark.'
'Thy neighbour's wife', said the parson. 'The slavey for me,' said the clerk.
'The slavey for me,' said the clerk.

'Oh never sigh for that dross called gold, for blessed in the man that is poor,
Nor cast ye the loaves, nor fishes from the poor.
For, I grieve to say, it is my fate to drive a carriage-and-pair in the park,
With a thousand a year', said the parson. 'Oh give it to me,' said the clerk.
'There's no pride about me,' said the clerk.

My Christian friends and brethren, you should ever be humble and meek,
And never strike a sinful man, when he strike you one on the cheek.
But turn, my friends, to the erring one, Yes, turn to the sinner so dark.
Thy other cheek,' said the parson. 'I'll break his nose,' said the clerk.
'Yes, land him at once,' said the clerk.

'Oh the boys are awfully tribulous,' the parson he said with a groan.
'The boys too oft their Sunday school, won't let the young hussies alone,
I've watched them grin behind their books, and I've seen the boys at their lark,
They were kissing the girls,' said the parson. 'I've done it myself,' said the clerk.
'And they're fond of it too,' said the clerk.

Well now, my sermon, friends, is done, I bid you go work and pray.
And don't do all your parson does, but do as your passion say.
And be ready to part of all worldly care, I venture this modest remark.
'Never drink', said the parson. 'I'm awfully dry,' said the clerk.
'And I'm off for a wet,' said the clerk.

       For many years it was thought that Phil Tanner's version of this song, first recorded in 1949, was unique. In 1979, though, Mike Yates recorded Walter Pardon (1914-96) of Norfolk singing it. Then a Mrs. Brenda Bentall of Tonbridge, Kent, wrote to me (Roy Palmer) in 1982 to say that not only did she remember a verse of the song which she learned before 1934 but that she had a printed copy. This turned out to be an item of sheet music 'sung with immense success' by G. H. Macdermott (1845 1901), and written and composed by Geoffrey Thorn (pseudonym of Charles Townley, 1843-1905) which Hopwood & Crew of London published in 1882. Tanner would have been twenty when it came out. His memorable performance, almost lapsing into speech at times, is full of infectious gusto.
Song transcribed by John Howson
Song notes: Roy Palmer