The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102277   Message #2071802
Posted By: akenaton
08-Jun-07 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: America's cup.
Subject: RE: BS: America's cup.
Hi steve must be the same yacht.
She sailed against "Columbia" in the 32nd Americas Cup at Rhode Island.
Built by Alexander Robertson & son. Sandbank.
Designed by David Boyd.
Full details HERE

There were two boat yards in the small town of Sandbank, Robertsons and Morris & Lorimer. Both are now shut down and the land sold for housing development.
Sceptre was a real beauty and although not as fast as the American boat,she could more than hold her own on looks.
I watched her race on the Clyde many times and when she was at top speed (don't know the nautical term) she took your breath away...Ake