The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102329   Message #2073794
Posted By: Charley Noble
11-Jun-07 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - June 9, 2007
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - June 9, 2007

I just got back from the Mystic Sea Music Festival and saw this thread. I'm very relieved that you managed to get Tom to the Emergency Room before things got even worse. I'm also relieved to hear he's looking better now.

It's no fun wishing to be "older" but I can certainly understand why the availability of Medicare might be of interest. I'll be signing up for that myself in a few months.

I can come early for the shanty session on Saturday if that would be helpful, and I'm sure that one or two other Roll & Go folks would also be willing to help "facilitate." Should we bring crowbars?

Give Tom our best, and try to get some rest yourself.

Charley Noble