The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102392   Message #2074228
Posted By: Nick E
11-Jun-07 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Lumberjacks, Voyagers and Traders
Subject: Folklore: Lumberjacks, Vouagers and Traders
On Songs from the Show by Ryans Fancy is a song new to me but is now a favorite, Wild Goose about someone who makes his living in the wilderness, and a good one for that matter, heading back from the wilderness to town. Also The Jam on Jerry Rock about a lumbering disaster involving "Shanty Boys" I have also heard The log Drivers Waltz, written I think by the same guy who wrote Wild Goose.

What songs of the Lumberman, Voyagers, Trappers, Traders etc are you familar with? Who wrote/recorded them ? Lyrics to them etc. There must be a wealth of them out there but I'm hard pressed to name any others than these I already have.

BTW I have now registered for better or worse.
Whack FallThe Day